I am delighted to share that the White-Collar Crime & Investigations-Sub-Group have been invited by Grant Thornton to host a webinar entitled “Investigations Updates: The View from Europe” at the London International Investigations and Asset Recovery Conference (LIIARC).
The Webinar will take place on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 10.30 am to 12 noon.
We would be delighted if you could join them to consider the position in Europe with distinguished lawyers from our network: •Juerg Bloch – Niederer Kraft Frey (Switzerland) •Audrey Byrne – McCann FitzGerald (Ireland) •Claas de Boer – Schiebe (Germany) •Alison Geary – Mishcon de Reya (UK). Our expert panel will delve into the latest developments within their respective jurisdictions, shedding light on the evolving landscape of White-Collar Crime litigation and investigations. They will take stock of international trends, reflecting on both common threads and the distinctive nuances that make each jurisdiction unique.
TO REGISTER: please click the link to the landing page and select the session www.liiarc.co.uk.