Kelly Storey

Navigating Cross-Border Challenges

Fraud and asset recovery cases are increasingly being fought against unidentified defendants, as individuals hide behind computers, fake emails and false online personas. Rhymal Persad, Philippa Rees and Jordan Harrison of our member firm Mishcon de Reya explore the importance of disclosure orders, and the challenges of seeking them from foreign banks: Asset tracing in fraud cases: navigating

Obligations to Report Wrongdoing: International Perspectives: White Collar Crime & Investigations Online Event!

Obligations to Report Wrongdoing: International Perspectives When must an organisation report wrongdoing to law enforcement? What are the penalties for failing to report? Are there tangible benefits to self-reporting? Please join the White Collar Crime and Investigations subgroup of the International Fraud Group as we explore these questions from the perspective of a variety of

Toronto Calling! 27th and 28th April 2023

The IFG are making their way to Toronto for the Annual Spring Members’ Meeting hosted by our Canadian members Maureen Ward Bennett Jones on the 27th and 28th April 2023. We are looking forward to participating in the Asset Recovery Conference and meeting our international friends and colleagues. We have a full agenda and great

OffshoreAlert Miami 2023!

The International Fraud Group (IFG) are pleased to support OffshoreAlert’s 19th Annual North America Conference on intelligence, investigations, and recovery in high-value international finance Join the IFG members on 23-25 April alongside 300 of the world’s leading figures fraud investigation, asset recovery and more. Speakers include Christopher Farmer and Russell Crumpler, both of Teneo, and

‘ENRC v. Gerrard’: Will International Investigations Ever Be The Same?

OffshoreAlert 2022, London This panel discussion is organised along the lines of the ‘BBC Question Time’ format with the panelists making some initial comments about the implications of the ‘ENRC v. Gerrard’ judgment and then answering questions from attendees.Among the topics to be addressed are: Is there a conflict of interest in a public authority