Carlo Zaccagnini


The Carlo Zaccagnini Criminal Law Firm, with offices in Rome and Milan, provides specialized legal assistance in the field of bankruptcy, corporate, and tax offenses.

We aim for a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and deliver high-quality legal services. We are experienced and passionate lawyers, equipped with a profound knowledge base that enables us to competently handle the defense of financial crimes, fraud, tax evasion, corporate misconduct, and much more. We also provide preventive consulting, assistance in managing investigations, and legal representation in court. Whether it involves preventive legal advice or legal representation in complex criminal proceedings, the Carlo Zaccagnini Criminal Law Firm dedicates time and effort to understanding the specific needs of each client and adopting a strategic approach aimed at achieving the best possible results.

We provide legal assistance and procedural representation in the courts of Milan, Turin, Bologna, Livorno, Ferrara, Agrigento, Gorizia, Perugia, Bolzano, Rome, Ancona, Avellino, Salerno, L’Aquila, Florence, Udine, Catania, Palermo, and abroad in the courts of Lugano, Tunis, Paris, Madrid, and London.


Carlo Zaccagnini undergraduated in 1995 at “La Sapienza” University of Rome defending a thesis on “The criminal liability of Directors of Joint Companies for buy-back operations. Implementation the European Communities Directive number 92/101”. In 2000 graduated at Postgraduate School in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

He’s chartered on the Supreme Court Bar (“Albo dei Cassazionisti”) since 22th of March 2013 and on Lawyer’s Register of Rome (“Albo degli Avvocati di Roma”) since 20th of January 2001. In 1997 he was Research officer at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at University City of London in comparatistic researches on anti money laundering compliance regulations in England, U.S.A. and Italy. His works have been published in 1998 on The Journal of Financial Crimes and on The Journal of Money Laundering. In 1998 he was Member of the Directive Commitee on the Sixteenth Simposyum on International Economic Crime and autor of the workshop “Show me the money: an ipothetic money laundering scheme realized by means the study of gaps in banking and financial regulation in U.S.A., “off-shore” countries and U.E. States”. He gained major professional experience collaborating with preminent roman Law Firms: in 1999 – 2000, at Chiomenti law firm.

Carlo Zaccagnini worked on criminal implications of merger and acquisition of incorporated enterprises, securitisation, drafting of financial agreements (derivates and swaps, futures, Fras); in 2000 – 2001 he’s in Vassalli and partners where he deepened his experience in money laundering offences, frauds, international corruption, bankruptcy and financial crimes. Since the opening of his own firm, he represents clients in bankruptcy schemes concerning amounts of several millions euros upon the Courts of Rome, Turin, Milan and Asti; he assists several clients in medical negligence and medical mispractice criminal cases.